Recommended Purchase: Octo T-Shirt $9

My old friend Mark in Chicago has a shirt on of an octo. It’s available today only, for the cost of $9 per shirt. It’s a steal! Even the shipping is cheap. Seriously. I’m a huge fan of octos, especially after diving with the Giant Pacific Octopus in Puget Sound. They’re graceful, and wicked smart. Molitorious coupled his awesome illustration style with the beauty of an octo. I have to admit, I’ve mulled over the idea of an octo tattoo before, and this design may just be worthy of that (though, I’d probably commission a specific illustration if I were to go through with the idea.)

Anyway, check it out:

Now go to and buy one today!

Shout out to another artist friend of mine, David Lasky. I now desire to have some of your art on a t-shirt. 🙂 Specifically, something from your James Joyce comic.

First Round of Glazed Bowls

ceramicsThis is an iPhone picture of the glazed bowls I have done in the first half of the second quarter of ceramics. Granted, these are all stacked up and you can’t quite see them, but I must admit, they make an impression all stacked up like that. Many of the bowls/cups are flawed, and not all of them turned out the way I hoped, however – glazing a pot that was less than perfect makes it often pretty, even if it’s not functional.

My next project is to mix up two glazes from a recipe. Then, I will do a glaze test to see how they end up. That, plus hopefully reaching my goal of a large bowl and a set of 4 bowls/cups coming up!

Opening the Kiln


Yesterday the folks at my community college fired up the raku kiln. I’m in the second quarter of ceramics, and was lucky enough to have a piece fired yesterday. What you see above is right after the kiln is opened up and the pots are still glowing red with heat. They’re moved quickly from the kiln into garbage cans filled with newspaper (which promptly sets alight), and then the can is covered for awhile. I could go into why all this happens, but that’s another post (and I’m still a newbie.)

What comes out is an awesome piece of ceramic, which makes even a lousy looking pot look awesome. I will post a couple raku pieces I’ve done in the near future. It’s pretty awesome stuff.

Ceramic Work So Far


I’ve been taking ceramics classes at a local community college and thought I would take some pictures of some of the work I’ve done this past week. I’ve hit a bit of a breakthrough lately, and have learned to successfully “throw off the hump.” It’s pretty exciting, and I ended up putting more hours in the studio this past week than I have in a long time. I look forward to see how these fire and glaze.